In this issue of Global Insights you can discover the first tip to come out of our A/B testing research into the online survey user experience. Denyse challenges us to be bold about the role of insights and we challenge you to read Anije’s article without getting emotional, as Anije’s story of passion and perseverance serves as an inspiration to us all. You can hear from industry leaders on why you need to head to Florida in September and read about the great events coming up in Latin America later this year. Enjoy the read! Hot tip: Sharing Data Back With Participants Significantly Improves The User Experience This is just one of the insights from the research-on-research we have recently conducted into the online survey user experience. It shows that the simple act of letting participants know what other people think about certain issues can be an extremely powerful way to motivate people to participate in research again… Read More Insights_EngineHow Insights Can Be The Engine Of A Customer-First Strategy By Denyse Drummond-Dunn, C3Centricity “A friend of mine asked a great question recently. It was this: “You are always saying that market research and insight teams have a great opportunity to lead the customer-first initiative. But how? We’ve already got too much work and anyway people don’t listen to us.” I laughed, because he had brilliantly summed up the advantages of a customer-first strategy for all of us, whether on the client or supplier side. Let me explain… Read More Breaking the Ground for the Market Research Industry in Guyana By Anije Lambert, Project Development Consultancy (PDC) “Have you ever been caught in a place where there seems to be no possible way to attain your objectives? A place where your passion pulls you to X and your reality tugs you right back at point Y? Well I’ve been there…” Read More

2017 INSIGHTS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE September 26-28, 2017 in Palm Beach

If you haven’t already registered for this event, get inspired to do so by listening to industry leaders Jim Bryson, Keith Price, Jeff Resnick, Lynnette Cook and Jude Olinger telling you what to expect if you do and what you’ll miss out on if you don’t… Watch the video AMAI Turns 25 And A Fiesta Of Events Congratulations to AMAI on their anniversary! Find out about events going on in Mexico, as well as Argentina, Columbia and Peru later this year… Read More MRS Recorded Webinar – International Research – Part 1 In this webinar for MRS, Vatsala Rathore from Butterfly Research, helps us unravel the complexities of International Research through an understanding of the cultural context… Read more and access the webinar